July 10th, 2023
Most of us when we think of missions we think of many things, such as supporting a missionary, going to the lost tribes of the world, sharing with our neighbors, helping at the local soup kitchen, or feeding the homeless. I'm sure that there are many that I’m missing, but whatever you think, I'm sure it includes sharing the good news of Jesus Christ. Because without the sharing of the gospel, without sharing the reason we are doing the thing we are doing, it's just acts of kindness.
Now don’t get me wrong, acts of kindness and important and necessary, and as followers of Jesus Christ they should be an active part of our lives. But we can not mistake acts of kindness for the sharing of the Gospel.
Now before you become irritated hear me out! I know that the acts of kindness many of us do are because we love Jesus and want to be his hand and feet. And I know those things when done to honor God are pleasing to him and beneficial to both those who do them and those who are on the receiving end.
But I have found for myself, often preforming the acts of kindness is easier and safer. To ask someone if they know Jesus, or have a relationship with him, is intimidating and difficult. To tell a person that without Christ their eternity is dreadful and hopeless is honestly not an encounter many people enjoy. So we often do the kind acts, and hope somehow that will bring someone to salvation.
But I really believe that we have to rethink mission, the Bible tells us to proclaim the gospel and to make disciples.
Mark 16:15 And he said to them, “Go into all the world and proclaim the gospel to the whole creation.In Matthew 28:18-20 the Bible tells us
[18] And Jesus came and said to them, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. [19] Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, [20] teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.”
So the questions is do we desire to do those two things? Yes, we have to be willing to tell people about Jesus even if it may offend them. And yes, we have to be willing to put our time, talents, and resources to the process of making disciples.
Are we willing to go and tell people about Jesus, and the truth about who we are without Him. And then are we willing to teach them everything Jesus taught. Not our opinions, but His words. Are willing to do the work it takes to make disciples.
If we continue to to neglect the call of God in these days, what does that really say about us? And what does that say about our obedience and love for God? It is time we say 'God we are in agreement with you that the world needs to hear the good news of the Gospel. And Lord we will do the work you have called us to do, because you are worthy of all our efforts.'
- Don Stubbs
Now don’t get me wrong, acts of kindness and important and necessary, and as followers of Jesus Christ they should be an active part of our lives. But we can not mistake acts of kindness for the sharing of the Gospel.
Now before you become irritated hear me out! I know that the acts of kindness many of us do are because we love Jesus and want to be his hand and feet. And I know those things when done to honor God are pleasing to him and beneficial to both those who do them and those who are on the receiving end.
But I have found for myself, often preforming the acts of kindness is easier and safer. To ask someone if they know Jesus, or have a relationship with him, is intimidating and difficult. To tell a person that without Christ their eternity is dreadful and hopeless is honestly not an encounter many people enjoy. So we often do the kind acts, and hope somehow that will bring someone to salvation.
But I really believe that we have to rethink mission, the Bible tells us to proclaim the gospel and to make disciples.
Mark 16:15 And he said to them, “Go into all the world and proclaim the gospel to the whole creation.In Matthew 28:18-20 the Bible tells us
[18] And Jesus came and said to them, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. [19] Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, [20] teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.”
So the questions is do we desire to do those two things? Yes, we have to be willing to tell people about Jesus even if it may offend them. And yes, we have to be willing to put our time, talents, and resources to the process of making disciples.
Are we willing to go and tell people about Jesus, and the truth about who we are without Him. And then are we willing to teach them everything Jesus taught. Not our opinions, but His words. Are willing to do the work it takes to make disciples.
If we continue to to neglect the call of God in these days, what does that really say about us? And what does that say about our obedience and love for God? It is time we say 'God we are in agreement with you that the world needs to hear the good news of the Gospel. And Lord we will do the work you have called us to do, because you are worthy of all our efforts.'
- Don Stubbs
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