Godly Confidence

As a young pastor, I’m regularly fighting to find confidence to disciple those in our church who are older than me, which is most of the people. Conversations and relationships come fairly naturally for me. However, when I feel a nudge to challenge them or dig deeper I also feel a nudge to make an excuse. They usually sounds something like this…

“Someone else can challenge them better.”
“You aren’t as successful as they are, they won’t listen anyway.”
“Aren’t they like 20 years older than you?”

One of these nudges is from God, one from Satan. Why do I allow the enemy to have a greater influence on my actions than I do the God of all creation? Fear and self doubt, mostly.
Proverbs 1:7 says “The fear of the Lord is the beginning of all knowledge; fools despise wisdom and instruction.” Wisdom has little to do with age. Wisdom has everything to do with your fear of the Lord. God isn’t worried about our age. Take a look through scripture and you’ll see countless stories of young people being used by God to make a big difference. Isn’t it usually the youngest son that God chooses? Didn’t Jesus call those who were willing to drop everything (which was usually very little) and follow Him to be His disciples? When we focus on who is older, when we focus on who is more successful, we aren’t focused on God. If we aren’t focused on God, we allow the enemy to wreak havoc. What I’ve learned is that God honors those who speak truth. Not only with words but also with actions. Young Titus in Titus chapter 2 is encouraged to “set an example by doing what is good.” This is what counts when it comes to the fear of the Lord.

If you’re a younger person who feels called to speak life into those who are older than you, speak it. But also make sure you live it. The only excuse someone should have to not listen, is that your words don’t match. Fear the Lord, and escort evil out the door. That’s the recipe for wisdom-filled speech, no matter the age or status of either party.
Had I been in the shoes of young David when he was called to fight, I may have been more scared to approach the King than the giant. I’m always up for clash with those who are undermining my Lord. I’m not so sure when it comes to challenging someone on “my side” with more life experience than me, to step up to the plate.

I can’t imagine myself saying, “I don’t need your silly armor, sir king. I trust God more than you do.”  

That was the reality though. There was a nation of men and women who needed a young boy named David, who feared the Lord, to deliver them from something that seemed insurmountable. Maybe God has me where I am today to speak life into those who are also struggling with seemingly hopeless life circumstances. Perhaps that’s His purpose for you too. No matter your age, no matter your status, God can and will use you. Fear the Lord, not the enemy. Escort the evil to the door and speak truth freely.

- Eric Schrock 

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