TBC Kids Weekly Update!
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A note from Stacy...

In 2024 we are excited to have launched two new areas of ministry for the kids in New Philadelphia. We have had a ToTs class in Baltic for awhile, but this past fall we started a ToTs class in NP! We are so happy to have grown both in numbers of toddlers and volunteers. Our ToTs program engages kids at their level of learning in Bible stories and verses that correspond to letters of the alphabet. ToTs is for our littlest learners ages 2-4 years old.

The other area that we have been able to implement is a sensory support space. It is staffed with volunteers who have a heart for this specific type of ministry. It is usually used by 1-2 children a week, and is a great space for kids who need a quiet place to reset and calm if they are overstimulated.

Even though it is only staffed 3 Sundays a month with volunteers, it is open every Sunday morning and during AWE services for anyone who could benefit from the space.

It has been a huge blessing to see kid's ministry grow in New Phila both in the kids that we have and also how we have been able to adapt to minister to both them and their families.

Your Kid's Min Director,

December 22
Kids Choir!
This year there will be a Kid's Choir in each location during the worship service on Christmas Sunday. They will be singing The First Noel by Branch Music. You can practice with your kids through Spotify or on youtube (link below)
This is the song the kids will be singing on December 22.
Check out the Church social media pages for daily scriptural countdowns, or the prayer rooms at each location for weekly prayer prompts
E-mail Kid's Ministry Here
This past week we learned about the Joshua and the Conquest of Jericho

What did we learn about God? God is Victorious
What did we learn about man? We need to be on God's side
Where does this happen in the story of Scripture? God brings his people into the Promised Land.

Joshua 5:13b-14a

And Joshua went to him and said to him, "Are you for us, or for our adversaries?" And he said, "No; but I am the commander of the army of the Lord. Now I have come."

Memory verse for week 14

We have launched the next year of Bible memory! We want to encourage our kids to hide God's word in their heart. Each week they will take home a recap page so you will know what Bible event we covered, and then what Bible verse is for that week. Below you can find the complete overview for the year.

There are 33 verses for the whole year. If your kids memorize 16 verses they will get a gift card to Dough Co. If they memorize all of them, they will get two gift cards, and a certificate of recognition.

Verses can be said each week at the check in station.

*It is NOT required that they stay "on track" they can say any of the verses at any time, including through Summer after our discipleship training curriculum is done for the year. *

Check out the complete list of verses here
There is no kid's church this week. Kids will be dismissed after the first worship set.

Attendance last Kid's Church:

December 15
Baltic - 45
New Philadelphia - 35
Kid's Church Schedule
First Sunday - Kid's Church (after first worship set)
Second Sunday - Kid's Church (after first worship set)
Third Sunday - Kid's Church (after first worship set)
Fourth Sunday - Family Sunday (Kids are welcome in the whole service)
Fifth Sunday - Family Sunday (Kids are welcome in the whole service)
Have any questions about Kid's Ministry? Reach out to Stacy Hamsher:
Branch Music
Copyright © 2024 The Branch Church, All rights reserved.

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